The development of the FEZ Minsk territory is carried out by the state institution "Administration of the Free Economic Zone Minsk, which operates on the principle of "one window" and provides support to investors from the moment of application until registration as a resident, as well as support of the company throughout the period of residence.
Main functions of the administration of the FEZ Minsk
- acts as a customer for the design and construction of production, engineering, transport and other infrastructure facilities within the boundaries of the SEZ
- carries out advertising and information activities in the Republic of Belarus and abroad in order to highlight the conditions for conducting investment and business activities in the SEZ and attract foreign and national investors
- in accordance with the established procedure, considers investment projects proposed for implementation in the Minsk FEZ
- carries out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the FEZ, with the exception of banks, non-banking financial institutions, insurance organizations, insurance brokers, associations of insurers
- concludes (extends) agreements on the conditions of activity in the FEZ and monitors their implementation
- registers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as residents of FEZs in the manner established by the legislation on free economic zones
- represents the interests of the SEZ in relations with government agencies and other organizations
- in agreement with the customs authority, makes decisions on determining the limits of the free customs zone (FCZ), the abolition of the free customs zone for a specific resident of the FEZ
- makes a decision on the loss of FEZ resident status by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.